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Chicago Open House is May 7th

Chicago sailors and boaters are invited to the Season kick-off Open House and Dock Party hosted by PowerTime Chicago on Saturday, May 7, 2011. Bring your family and friends; the whole crew to check out the easiest, most affordable way to get on the water in the Chicago metro region!

This is the Chicago bases’ 7th annual kick-off party, which is being held at the Burnham Park Yacht Club. For the past 6 seasons, Chicago has offered sailors our unique boating program. New for this year is the addition of power boats to the fleet. The base now has brand new Rinker power boats; a 310 and a 360 await your inspection. These are serious luxury cruisers that compliment the Hunter powerboats found in a variety of sizes.


The base has many opportunities for sail and power boat ownership in Chicago this year. These new powerboats are looking for owners. They are straight from the factory to us, and we are offering tremendous deals on them. Owner-Membership is the smart way to own the boat of your dreams. Come to the party and find out how you could own the boat of your dreams. Opportunities are very limited so don’t miss out!

Come on out from 1-5 PM to be a part of it all on May 7th. But you must RSVP in order to attend. The base is providing an open bar from 12-1 PM.

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