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Tahiti Chosen For Captains Cruise V Flotilla

The 5th Annual Captains Cruise Flotilla will return to French Polynesia, also known as Tahiti. A contingent of Members visited this South Pacific archipelago in 2008 and the experience was so incredible the decision was made to return again in May of 2011.

The dates of travel finds us visiting in the “late fall” of the Southern latitudes. We will fly into Papeete (pa-pey-ett-ey) on the island of Tahiti and transfer to a puddle jumper to Raiatea (rai-a-tey-a) where the base for The Moorings charters are. We will sleep aboard on the night of May 6 and sail the islands from May 7-17. Many folks will opt to stay over on the way out or the way back or both. One thing is for sure. Once you arrive, you never want to leave!

tahiti flotilla

There is very tight space for Members to join in. A maximum of 5-6 yachts will comprise this intimate flotilla. Only a couple boats remain. So, get your crew together and contact [email protected] for more information. To qualify to charter your own yacht on this flotilla you must have achieved ASA 105 and have chartered somewhere else before in a foreign land. We have monohulls, 36-50 ft and catamarans 38-42 ft available from the charter company. Prices range from a low of about $2000 per cabin to a high of about $3500 a cabin for 10 days of yacht cabin accommodations suitable for singles or couples. In past cruises, families chartered their own boats as well as collectives of Members who “co-op” the entire cost of the boat. It’s easy and fun and really less expensive than going on a beach resort vacation. Plus, we see a different beach every day.

tahiti flotilla 01

Highlights of this trip include some of the healthiest coral reefs on the planet to snorkel each day, incredible island scenery not found anywhere else and an intriguing culture of people that combines french and island heritages.

If you haven’t seen the videos of our 2008 flotilla in this region, you can watch them here, to help you decide.

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