The Latest News From PowerTime
The Ultimate Boating Guide to Charleston, SC.

Cherie of SailTime Philadelphia / Summer Sailing
Cherie, who owns the PowerTime Philadelphia and Jersey Shore locations discusses PowerTime membership, demonstrates winch use, and teaches the bowline knot to FOX29 reporter Sabina

Yearning to Yacht? Chicago Sailing Company Puts Boat Life In Reach
CBS (CHICAGO)–Dreams of summering on Lake Michigan in a yacht could be within reach thanks to a Chicago timeshare company for boat lovers. Decked

Boat Sharing with Captain Gary on WMAR2 Baltimore
Boat sharing is the new sharing economy at sea that allows locals the luxury of boat ownership without the cost and hassle that

Boat Sharing WBAL
Boat Sharing with PowerTime CEO Todd Hess and Captain Gary Cusimano in Annapolis.

Sailing the Waterways with Boat Sharing
CHICAGO (CBS) — Boats on Lake Michigan are a familiar summer sight. Boating and summer go hand in hand, but for some people owning a

USA Weekly Interviews PowerTime CEO Todd Hess
[First appeared January 22, 2018, on USA Weekly] Starting a business is a big achievement for many entrepreneurs, but maintaining one is the larger challenge.