

Frequently Asked Questions for PowerTime Gold Coast CT Owners

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General Information

You will be the sole owner of the boat and have all the benefits of ownership without all the costs.

This depends on the boat size, however our Owner-Member program is designed so that you will receive a monthly payment from PowerTime’s local base that allows you to defray a considerable portion of the monthly expense.

Typically, there are very advantageous tax advantages. Please investigate these with your CPA so that you can receive maximum benefit.

PowerTime’s local base will professionally manage your boat for up to 5 years while you enjoy a PowerTime Premier membership. This 5-year period is broken into a 3-year initial plan with two one-year options.

Boat Owner Information

Yes. Contact your local PowerTime base.

The PowerTime fleet consists of 30′ and larger powerboats. Sail boats and catamarans are available in our SailTime Ownership program. Each are equipped with virtually every available amenity and option. These boats are the perfect blend of comfort, ease of handling and good performance.

We only put new boats into our program. This gives a consistent and excellent experience to all our Members worldwide.

Yes, with 9 months notice, you can remove your boat from the program.

Maintenance & Fees

PowerTime’s local base manager.

PowerTime’s local base

PowerTime’s local base

Typically, you will put down 20% of the sales price.

Additional Information

Each PowerTime base holds frequent social gatherings for Members. You’re welcome to join in.

PowerTime ensures only qualified users are on your boat. Every new member is given hands-on training including docking practice, boat systems review, and more on their membership boat. Additionally, each PowerTime Member must sign a Care Commitment document, which ensures that they treat the boat as if they own it. Each Member is familiar with your boat’s operation and standards of care.

PowerTime’s local base will take care of it immediately and make sure that the responsible person covers the cost.

The Membership Agreement provides for the removal of Members who abuse PowerTime’s policies.

* Varies by location