Earn generous revenue while you cruise with PowerTime’s Innovative Yacht Management Program.
We handle the dirty work
Professional boat management
Regular boat maintenance is a big expense and requires significant time and expertise. PowerTime boat owners don’t have to worry about those headaches. Your local base manager will be notified, via the PowerTime Embark app, every time your boat departs and returns. They will handle regular maintenance, preventative care and repairs. As a boat owner, you will be kept well-informed of your boat’s rigorous upkeep.
Owners Enjoy These Benefits
- Slip fees, insurance premiums, and routine maintenance costs are covered
- A monthly payment to you to offset your loan payment
- Only responsible, well-trained Members operate your boat
- Professional management of emergency issues, with manager on-call 24 hours a day during the season.
- Winterization, storing and commissioning of your yacht each season
- Help with sourcing a boat loan with a preferred Lender
- Our proprietary scheduling software handles all aspects of boat reservations, maintenance, and member management
Detailed pricing and financial worksheets are available. Visit our frequently asked questions page for more information.
Exclusive Access
Monthly Usage
As a PowerTime boat owner, you will have guaranteed monthly usage of your boat using PowerTime’s proprietary online scheduling system. This allows you guaranteed monthly usage and unlimited last-minute reservations booked online within 36 hours. Your boat will be docked at a local marina, ready to go with the fuel and water tanks topped off. This makes going for a day trip a convenient and pleasant experience.
Own Today
Exclusive access
All the joys of ownership, with none of the hassle!