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Washington DC Boating Update

One of our newest boating and boating bases is PowerTime DC at National Harbor Marina, right in the heart of Washington DC. The base is now halfway through it’s second season.  Base Manager, Kristen Diviney, says, “We are continuing to see perfect boating weather for the region this summer!”


You will find a Hunter 33′ powerboat available for membership and there is also a Hunter 216 available for rentals to those who graduate our American Sailing Association (ASA) 101 Basic Keelboat Course.  The boating season is long here, commencing in early spring and running till around Thanksgiving.  Diviney adds, “Our boating season will continue until November 30th. So, we are having an Open House on the docks on August 23rd from 12-4pm (please RSVP to [email protected]) to show everybody the kind of fun they could be having close to home, here, on the Potomac.”

If you haven’t been to National Harbor Marina lately, now is great time to check out all the new updates.  The big screen on the plaza near the marina shows sports games and movies. The new Capital Wheel at the end of the main pier is a great way to take in the sights from up high, and Boating in DC has come to the commercial pier at the marina with Kayaks and Paddle Boats for rent.


PowerTime DC’s boating school calendar is packed with certification courses through the rest of the season and continues to offer Discover Sails and Captained Charters on our 22′ and 33′ boats for those interested in spending a few hours on the water enjoying the best river boating the DC Metropolitan area has to offer.  Now through the end of August, mention this blog post and receive 10% off your 2014 boating course!

The base is looking to add another Marlow Hunter 33 for next season. If you’ve ever considered buying your own boat, it would pay to talk to use about the alternative to “going it alone.” We’ll show you how to keep more money in your pocket while having all the fun you thought you would! Washington DC is also ripe for a nice 31-39 foot power boat and the DC operation would love to have an owner onboard for that before next Spring as well.

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