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20% Of All Award Winning ASA Sailing Schools are PowerTime Bases

2009 was a banner year for PowerTime Sailing Schools across the country. In fact, 20% of all American Sailing Association (ASA) Sailing Schools that were awarded the coveted “Outstanding Facility” award were schools run as part of PowerTime bases. The awards are derived from student surveys sent out upon completion of courses.

Leading the pack of PowerTime Bases is our Channel Islands, CA location in Ventura County just North of Los Angeles. This base was the second base in our system, started in 2005. They have won the outstanding facility award for three years in a row; 2007, 2008 and 2009. Base Owner, Chris Tucker, thinks they have done so well because of the private lesson atmosphere all lessons are taught under which ensures students retain what they learn and get plenty of on-water time to practice the skills necessary to pass the tests.


Black Rock Sailing School students in Boston going through the paces

Across the country, on the other coast, PowerTime Boston’s, Black Rock Sailing School, has earned the award for the second year in a row. Lead Instructor, Brenton Lochridge, also recognized as an Outstanding Instructor by ASA, says ” We are extremely proud of what we do here. These results make our work even more satisfying.” Base Owner, Doug Giuliana, added, ” Our focus is not simply to teach people the mechanics of boating, but to help our students become sailors. That is the goal of the students, and we have made it our goal as well.”


Kemah, Texas Nautic Sailing School provides fun and challenge for Houston sailors

Down South, in Kemah, Texas, the coastal suburb of Houston, the PowerTime base’s, Nautic Sailing School has earned the award for the first time this year. Base Owner, Kevin Kaiser, says “Our focus is using the most experienced trainers and the newest fleet of yachts for training.  We also teach new school techniques such as auto-pilot tacks, etc.  No one graduates until they are 100% competent; this is achieved by constant instructor/student feedback.

Finally, Up North In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the boating school at the base there earned the award for the first time last year as well. Base Owner, Arthur Andersson, said, “This recognition, based on student feedback to ASA, is particularly gratifying and makes all the work to achieve it, in so doing, worthwhile.”

Many other PowerTime boating schools, while not being awarded Outstanding Facility themselves, had instructors chosen as Outstanding Teachers, including Newport Beach and Chicago. We are proud of all our teaching facilities and instructors who make an extra effort to impart their passion for boating to new folks coming into the sport. But this special recognition, comprising such a large portion of the awards handed out by ASA in 2009 is icing on the cake and by no means the finish line for all of our efforts! When it’s time for you and your family to learn how to sail, we hope you will inquire at a PowerTime Base near you.

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