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Do You Like to Save Money? June is the Month to Join!

We are calling it our Boaters Bailout Plan – but seriously, you can save some dough by joining PowerTime this month. Participating bases all around the USA are offering One Free Month of Membership to sailors who join during the month of June.

PowerTime President, George Bonelli, says “Getting on the water can really change your attitude! You leave all that stress of the every-day world back on the dock when you put the wind at your face and focus on enjoyment…even if it’s for just a couple hours each week.”


Larry Pruit, a Member in Southern California, said “I thought PowerTime was too good to be true when I first found out about the boating program. The fact is that it is true! I travel around the country and across the globe for work 4 days a week. I don’t have the time or the knowledge to maintain a boat, yet my wife, Karla and I, use “our” pristine new Hunter 36 several times each month since we became Members in 2007.”

To learn more about the June FREE Sailing Promotion, contact your local PowerTime Base.

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