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Get Training to be a Better Sailor Next Summer, This Winter!

While most of the Northern Hemisphere is covered in snow and cold, PowerTime Channel Islands, in Southern California enjoys some of its’ best boating conditions during the Winter. PowerTime Channel Islands is conveniently located about 1 hour north of Los Angeles International Airport. Members sail here 365 days a year. On the water, Summer temps reach the 70’s and during Winter in the 60’s. The combination of ocean conditions and a Galapagos-like destination called the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary offers an unforgettable experience for PowerTime Members looking for an adventure experience made possible through the unique PLUS program. The Channel Islands base requires that you be certified to ASA 105 before you can overnight cruise to the islands on your own.

So, why not plan a Winter getaway and come out for a unique Cruise and Learn experience !


– Smuggler’s Anchorage at Santa Cruz Island

The ASA Sailing School at Channel Islands Harbor was recognized as one of the most outstanding ASA facilities in 2007 and again in 2008. The 104 and 106 certifications are perfect for multiple day outings to the Channel Islands, located about 20 miles offshore from the boating base. These islands are wilderness areas, abundant with wildlife. It is not uncommon to see whales between December and April and there are thousands of dolphins, sea lions and seabirds along the way.

The boating in this area can be challenging and is an excellent introduction to what blue water boating is all about. ASA 104 prepares you to bareboat charter anywhere in the world including other PowerTime bases, while ASA 106, takes your coastal cruising knowledge to the next level of confidence.

One of the best places in the country to gain advanced ASA certifications is part of the PowerTime family. Your instructor will be Captain Dan Ryder, a lifelong educator and a retired naval officer. He’ll be conducting your private lesson cruise aboard PowerTime Hunter 36 yachts.

Choose from 2night/3day or 3night/4day cruising courses. You will learn how to enjoy self sufficiency on a cruising boat while sampling the island anchorages and there is plenty of time to enjoy a boating vacation as well as pursuing the advanced certifications.

Contact PowerTime Channel Islands for more information about this unique Cruise and Learn Package.

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