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January Boat Shows!

When the new year comes around boaters and sailors get planning for their year on the water at boat shows! We’ll be at two of them on the same weekend; in Chicago and San Francisco. Attending a boat show is a great way to see all the new boats, loads of boating accessories and you can talk to people who live, eat and breathe the pastime.

Once again, we will be in Chicago at the Strictly Sail show held at Navy Pier, January 23-26. It’s inside. So, even if it is a below zero weekend like it is many years, the action will be warm and cozy in the exhibition hall. You’ll find PowerTime Chicago at the Hunter booth, whom we’ve partnered up with for the past few years. This works great, because our Chicago base is eager to add several new Hunter powerboats to the fleet this year. Anybody buying a new Hunter into the program there gets a free bareboat charter in the Spanish Virgin Islands to start the relationship off right! There are many other show specials to take advantage of, whether you need lessons or are interested in the various and affordable membership plans.


New this year, out on the West Coast, is the San Francisco Boat Show. It is also being held from January 23-26 adjacent to AT&T Park. Unlike Chicago though, you can sign up for a membership on one day and go boating the next! PowerTime San Francisco is, after all, a year around membership boating club! Here. too, if you step up to buy a boat to add to the fleet, you’ll receive a one week charter in the Spanish Virgins. Base Owner, Lisa Chapin, said “We really want to add a Hunter 40 which is perfect for the Bay. But we’re not opposed to a 33, 36 or 37 either!” She concludes, “We have Members waiting to get on a new boat. So, come to the show and lets sit down and pencil out why our program just makes sense.” The base is also offering Free membership in February to those who sign up by the end of the show.


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